Start Blogging

By: Tracey Hofmann

Blogging is an inexpensive marketing tool that helps potential clients get to know you and your business. By imparting wisdom in your field, you gain a reader’s trust. The free knowledge you offer can go a long way with a customer looking to buy or contract a particular product or service. A blog is a business owner’s opportunity to start a relationship with a customer before meeting them. Like a domino effect, the expertise you share demonstrates that you are a thought leader in your industry, being a thought leader earns you credibility, and credibility strengthens your brand. 

But first, to write an engaging blog you have to take a deep dive into your customer base and truly define your target market. Once you pinpoint who you’re trying to reach and what their pain points are, you can better gauge topics of interest. 

You may be wondering if blogging is worth your time and effort. In a survey of 300 consumers, 56% said that they purchased something from a company after reading a blog post. According to HubSpot, around 60% of people read blogs at least once a week. 

Still not sure you want to take the leap? Here are some answers to the most frequently asked questions on the topic of blogging:

How Can Blogging Increase Traffic to My Website?

Adding a blog to your website increases your site’s SEO (search engine optimization) quality. This happens when your site is deemed valuable in answering a person’s search engine inquiries. Current content is key in driving traffic to your website. Post regularly, with useful information for your target market. Think of how a potential client would search for your business and use popular search keywords in your blog. 

For a blog to be successful, you must stick to it and give it time to gain traction and an audience. But keep this HubSpot stat in mind — businesses that blog have 55% more website visitors than those that do not.

Can a Blog Drive Conversions?

Conversion is when the receiver of a marketing message responds favorably by subscribing, filling in an online form, or making a purchase. As a blog increases your website traffic, it also leads to an increased conversion rate. Like customers entering a shop, the more website visitors you have, the greater your chance to gain some as customers. 

Blogging about your industry can drive conversions because it allows you to connect to a wider audience and earn their trust. It may even give you an edge over your competition. Blogs offer a platform to tell your company’s story. Your honest and helpful content can extend your business reach. 

Bloggers with high conversion rates are those that have mastered the ability to relate to their clients and provide a clear call to action. 

How Can Blogging Support My Social Media Efforts?

Blogging allows you to create valuable and engaging content that can be shared across various social media platforms. By consistently publishing high-quality posts, you provide a steady stream of content for your social media channels, keeping the attention of your audience and increasing your presence.

Share your posts on platforms like Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram to attract new visitors to your website. When readers enjoy your content, they will share it with friends, family, or business contacts thus, increasing your audience. 

Blogs provide an opportunity for readers to engage with your content by leaving comments, asking questions, or sharing their opinions. By responding to comments and fostering conversation, you can build a community around your blog and encourage social media users to interact with your content and share it with others.

What Can I Blog About?

You’ve probably had customers with similar complaints or needs. Offering long-form content on these topics can be so helpful to folks looking for answers. 

  • Here are a few topics to get you started:
  • Answer the most FAQs you receive in your business
  • Profiles of employees/founders 
  • Share a success story
  • Explain your process – How you prep for service
  • Recap an industry event you attended
  • Give an update on your company
  • Lessons learned as a business owner 
  • Ask a customer to write a blog post for you, testifying to how effective your services are 

Write clearly and engagingly, focusing on storytelling rather than just promoting your product. Build a loyal following by asking for feedback and suggestions from your readers. Encourage them to share what they would like to see more of in your blog posts. For more blog ideas visit and decide which ones benefit your brand. 

How Can I Add Value to My Blog?  

Actionable headlines, eye-catching graphics, and vibrant videos are just a few ways to elevate your blog posts. Win viewers with these blog additions:

  • Actionable Headlines – make the offer clear and click-worthy 
  • Photos/Illustrations – break up that text with original images
  • Videos – demonstration videos, finished product videos, before & after
  • Engage – do a blog treasure hunt, respond to comments, ask for feedback
  • Provide a FREE… tip, template, white paper, or checklist
  • Highlight a favorite charity
  • List job openings
  • Collaborate with other bloggers who have businesses that complement your own (ex. Construction & Landscaping)

Remember, blogging is a long-term marketing strategy that requires consistency and quality content. By investing time and effort into creating valuable articles, you can establish your business as an authority in your industry and attract a loyal customer base.